British Governments were wrong in their Foreign Policy towards the Arabs in Palestine as they have been since 1972  about the European Union.

In both cases the British Governments had ignored the concerns of the people with broken promises and deceit. The result in Palestine can be seen with the constant state of war between the Israelis and the Muslim population. The consequences with regard to the decision to join the EU was again a deceitful affair which has been so up to the signing of the


in the House of Commons on March 5-2008.

Blair says he will strive for Peace in the Middle East-BUT HE is the BARRIER to that PEACE.




One of the strangest developments of the Great War in its later stages was the important part played by the Holy Land.   Palestine, sacred to all the faiths that have had their rise in the Near East, was the land where the war reached a decision. It was the capture by the British of this ancient country, held in reverence by the heart of the world, that finally convinced the war-makers that their plans had utterly failed.  General Allenby ther finally broke down the Turkish resistance and the allies of Germany fell away from her one by one.

As part of the Peace Settlement it was resolved by the Allied Powers that the world should take Palestine under its guardianship and establish it as a self-governing State.   Accordingly a Mandate was allotted to Great Britain with a view to the Holy Land being regarded as

"a national home for the Jewish people without prejudice to the civil and religious  rights of existing non-Jewish communities."

A scheme of government was accordingly drawn up whereby it was hoped that  the large Arab population,  and the considerable Jewish and Christian populations, would unite to work an enlightened system of self-government just and tolerant to all.  Sir Herbert Samuel was appointed High Commissioner, and for the wise government of the country Great Britain became responsible , under the League of Nations.  The population of the territory in 1922 was


Of this number












[The total population of Palestine grew from 750,000 in 1922 to 1,765,000 in 1944.  The number of Jews rose over the same period from 84,000 to 550,000- from 13 to 31 per cent of the total.]


Arrangements  were made for the election of Legislative Council and meantime an Advisory Council was formed to assist the High Commissioner.

The country had been peaceful.  The value of trade increased 40 per cent in three years.   Improvements were introduced in extension of railways, sanitation, education, and other public services.  Mohammedan opinion , however, remained suspicious of Jewish influence, and designs and plans for securing national unity in popular government remained in abeyance.

Palestine under the mandatory government does not include the whole of either the Old testament countries of Israel and Judah or the New Testament area.  A small part of northern Galilee ,and of the northern country beyond  the Jordon, has been included in the in the French mandatory territories of Syria and Lebanon.   But there has been an addition in the south, where Gaza  becomes the centre of the Palestine district.

There area is about 9000 square miles.  There are 80 Jewish colonies in different parts of the country, in which 18,000 Jews are settled.   The Arab villages number about 750 in all.

The country is arranged in four districts from north to south, namely, Galilee, with the port of Haifa, having a population of 25,000, as its chief town; Samaria, whose chief town is Nablus, with a populationof 16.000; Judaea with Jerusalem, 63,000; and the southern district, Gaza, 17,500; and Bethleham , 6,600.  Jerusalem, of course is the capital, and the centre of government for the whole country. . .

Though Palestine is a land of rock and wilderness in parts, and its one considerable river, the Jordon, runs through such a deeply cut valley that it is useless for irrigation, the country in many districts is capable of cultivation  to a high standard of fruitfulness.   It might conceivably sustain a population of two millions (1922). More could not be expected, however scientifically the land's resources were developed.   It could never, therefore be a national home for more than a fraction of the Jewish people, who now number twelve millions.

The truth respecting the Jews and Palestine is that while the genius of that intellectual people, and the intensity of their religion, have associated them for ever with the country they once ruled, their possession of it was only a brief in comparison with the length of time they claim in history.   Their forefathers must have entered the land about 3000 years ago (in 1922), but their tenure of it as their own, in independence, did not last 500 years; nor were they distinctively associated with it in any way except memory for more than 1000 years.

It was not until till the reign of David that Jerusalem was taken, and in less than 500 years the greater part of his race were in exile. Yet, so deep is the impression they have made on the religions of the world through the literature they produced in Palestine that no other Palestine history except their own holds the world's attention.   Already we have traced the outlines of the history in our stories from the bible.  It is what has been in "these holy fields", not what is, or is likely to be, that matters most gravely to mankind. [Arthur Mee]




Over the past 60 years we have been here before with the kamikaze pilots of the Second World War and the ideology that their sacrifice was for their Emperor and their Nation.


In the aftermath of the last war the British in Palestine faced the extremist units of the Zionist movement with the major loss of life in the destruction of the King David Hotel in Tel Aviv- our Military H.Q.  The final result of the terrorist outrages in Palestine culminated in the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.




In the Iran/Iraq War boys had bombs strapped to their bodies so that they could throw themselves onto the tanks.


Today we have extreme Islamic Fundamentalists who offer their lives in the belief that Allah understands their actions.


In a lengthy and erudite article in the

 Daily Mail on Tuesday, July 12-2005. 


Under the heading of:


Inside the mind of a





At this time we will quote only the last few paragraphs, which are pertinent to our inquiry: -


‘The only person who matters is Allah- and the only question he will ask me is:


“How many infidels did you kill?”


What explains the appeal of suicide attacks in Iraq?  For one thing, using oneself as a weapon can be a relatively effective tactic against an enemy with far superior firepower.  And the extremist Muslim suicide bombers believe that their sacrifice guarantees them ‘martyrdom’ and a passport to paradise.


In Iraq most suicide attacks are thought to have been carried out by foreign fighters.  Insurgent commanders tend to view Iraqi fighters as most valuable alive:  they have extensive supply networks and know the home terrain.


These days, however, more and more Iraqis like Marwan - are signing up because the rebels’ tactics now involve deploying a large number of such attackers, which is depleting the supply of foreign volunteers.


Robert Pape, author of a book about suicide terrorism, DYING TO WIN, says the tactic has historically been used when two conditions are met.


First, insurgents feel they are fighting foreign troops in places they regard as their homeland (Osama Bin Laden, for example, has railed against U.S. bases in the Arabian Peninsula).

And second, when the occupiers come from a different religious background, insurgents are able to paint them as subjugators of their faith and its followers.


Those conditions, it turns out, co-exist prominently in the Middle East.


Tony Blair and George Bush representing the moral basis of Western Civilisation see no wrong in conspiring and invading an Islamic Country where they had no business to go. 


The Iraqi people would say that this is the result of a poisonous Ideology which permits a country to invade their country illegally as it fits the Ideology of the supposed civilised world to act as aggressors.


Of course we do not excuse the acts of the insurgents but the fact that they are not afraid to give their lives for their cause does mean that we need to know WHY they took the lives of their own citizens.


There are few people in Britain today who do not realise that the reason for the attack on London was our presence in Iraq.


As we have said before - if we withdraw from Iraq and put our efforts into finding a solution to the difficulties in the Middle East then we could be the arbiter which we should have been before the Iraq War - a nation that believes in Justice in our International affairs and to have refused the poisoned Ideology which Tony Blair has followed which has finally resulted in the deaths and injury of the innocent in London on July 7 -2005.


It will be a disgrace which will haunt our nation for many a long year unless we ALL do what we can to have OUR Parliament impeach Tony Blair and punish those who co-operated in the heinous crime of invading a country without justification.



In view of the importance of the background to the conflict in the Middle East we have included details of the history of:


The Problem of Palestine





The cry goes up on all hands that, however the problem of Palestine is solved, the solution ought to be ‘final.’  The Economist wrote, in an article on the subject on August 3rd 1946,  “ a new and influential body of people have come to see that, whatever else a plan for Palestine presents, it must offer a reasonable hope of securing a final settlement.” …


The hard core of the Palestine problem is that the territory of Palestine lies right in the middle of group of Arab States.

These States, long accustomed to subjection, have been able of late to assert [1946/7] their independence, and have come together into an Arab League which a point of focus for strong nationalist sentiment.


To the North of Palestine lie the republics of Syria and the Lebanon, newly escaped from French rule. 


To the East lies the largely desert area of Transjordania, recently recognised by Great Britain, the former mandatory power, as an independent Arab kingdom. 


To the South lie the Arab kingdoms of Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  As we have seen, the latter has recently become an important factor in world politics because of the discovery beneath its soil of what is believed the world’s greatest oilfield, for exploitation of which American companies have secured concessions extending over a vast area.


The oil question reacts seriously on the problem of Palestine because the natural outlet for pipe-lines to carry oil to the Mediterranean is across Palestine, which has thus become important to American as well as to British politicians for economic as well as political reasons.


Last and not least important, to the West of Palestine lies the Mediterranean Sea, whose eastern part forms an important link in Great Britain’s communications with Asia and, even apart from oil, an area of immense strategic importance in the calculations of all statesmen and military authorities who are framing policies with an eye to the possibility of a another War.


If the Jews were not , as they are, a highly civilised people with a strong national cultural and religious traditions as any in the world; if they were not, besides this, for the most part a homeless people with their leading personalities scattered over the face of the earth and holding positions of high importance and influence in many States:


If they were merely a handful of Levantine tribesmen who had survived after many centuries of Arab conquest and Turkish rule –it would be natural to suppose the development of Arab nationalism would ensure the conversion of Palestine into a State under Arab rule, with Jews living there at best on the terms on which many Jews –the Sephardic Jews- did live there, century after century, under the Turks.


But the present Jewish population [1946/47] of Palestine includes, besides the old Jewish inhabitants with their relatively primitive standards of culture, the immigrant Jews who have settled there mainly since the establishment of a new State under British mandate, after the First World War.


These settlers are by no means all of high cultural standards, or used to a high standard of living.  Many of them have come from Eastern Europe, and have been used to hard conditions of life.


But they are under advanced and cultured leadership and have settled in Palestine under the auspices of World Jewry, which has supplied them with capital to develop their settlements along advanced lines and has enabled them, on the basis of their high national capacity, to create for themselves standards of living a long way above those of the Arab population in the midst of which they have settled down.


The Jews have, to a large extent, established themselves on land acquired from Arab owners who had previously made little of it, in Jewish villages founded largely on co-operative principles and carrying on a community life quite apart from that of the Arab population.


A substantial number are in Tel-Aviv – a handsome modern town which they have created- and in Haifa, where they have built with Arab as well as Jewish labour, a well-equipped modern port.  Many Jews have maintained-and Jewish Socialists have maintained consistently-that the problem of living together of the people is soluble only by learning to work together under equal conditions, and that accordingly it is indispensable to raise Arab pay and Arab quality of workmanship to a level with Jewish pay and Jewish workmanship.


But this has not happened; it demands both time and a deliberate policy of Arab education-to say nothing of a political environment in which stability would be guaranteed.


Instead, the two races have for the most part lived their own separate lives, at widely different standards and on a basis of widely different cultures; and both have lived under an alien rule which has meant that neither could feel any sense of responsibility towards the other, or for avoiding action which might make co-operation harder.


 Each has been trying, most naturally, to put the maximum of pressure in its own interest upon the alien ruling power [Britain] and every disturbance of world conditions has made for more intense pressure because it has aroused hopes of fishing successfully in troubled waters, and has weakened the resources at the immediate disposal of the mandatory power [Britain].


The Population of Palestine



Most Jews, as well as most Arabs do not live in Palestine.  [Until 2005 –when over 5,000,000 now live in the State of Israel and a slightly less figure live in the U.S.A.]


The total population of Palestine grew from 750,000 in 1922 to 1,765,000 in 1944.  The number of Jews rose over the same period from 84,000 to 550,000- from 13 to 31 per cent of the total.


This increase in the Jewish population was due mainly to immigration; for the Jewish inhabitants have a relatively low rate of natural increase.


Between 1941 and 1944 the Jewish annual rate of natural increase was 1.8 per cent, whereas the Arab rate was over 3 per cent, and rising sharply.


From 1922 to 1925 the comparable rates were 2.per cent for Jews and 2.3 per cent for Palestine Arabs. Thus, the Jewish percentage of the population has risen because of immigration; but in the absence of further immigration it would at once begin to fall off.  If the Arabs could stop Jewish immigration, they could thereby ensure a rapidly increasing numerical preponderance in Palestine society.


[There is a great deal to be learnt from the above by our politicians in 2005.  Unfortunately Tony Blair and his cronies are not prepared to learn the lessons from the past which are still with the world and ourselves today.]



Daily Mail on Tuesday, July 12-2005